December 2023

International Joint Laboratory for Digital Twin of Heart

2024-01-09T16:57:38+08:00December 19th, 2023|

2023年12月17日,澳門大學應用數學中心隆重舉行了數字孿生心臟國際聯合實驗室的揭牌儀式。該實驗室由澳門大學、中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院、浙江大學醫學院附屬第二醫院、意大利帕維亞大學以及意大利米蘭大學五家單位聯合共建。聯合實驗室匯聚了來自中國和意大利在數學、計算機、臨床醫學等領域的著名團隊,致力於人體數字孿生心臟領域的前瞻性基礎和應用研究。 數字孿生心臟國際聯合實驗室牌匾 揭牌儀式照片實驗室的研究方向涵蓋了心臟的生理病理學基礎、生物力學的高保真模型、高性能數值仿真算法和軟件,以及面向心臟疾病的臨床研究。各參與方將根據分工安排啟動相關科研工作,通過緊密的合作,期望在數字孿生心臟領域取得豐碩的研究成果,共同推動該領域的創新與發展。 揭牌儀式遠程連線(遠程視頻中分別為澳門大學蔡小川教授團隊(應用數學中心)、意大利帕維亞大學的Luca Pavarino教授和深圳先進技術研究院及浙江大學醫學院附屬第二醫院團隊成員)數字孿生心臟國際聯合實驗室作為促進生理學、數理科學、計算機科學和臨床醫學等多個專業領域深入合作的平台,將為數字孿生心臟的研究提供全面支持。揭牌儀式的成功舉辦標志著這一重大科研課題的正式啟動,數字孿生心臟國際聯合實驗室將迎來更為廣泛、深入的合作,為推動醫學領域的科技創新和發展貢獻力量。我們期待實驗室在數字孿生心臟領域不斷深入探索,為心臟疾病的防治作出更多貢獻,為科學和醫學的進步開辟新的道路。

November 2023

UM’s Centre for Applied Mathematics showcased virtual reality and digital twin technology at the 25th China Hi-Tech Fair

2023-11-17T16:30:17+08:00November 17th, 2023|

UM showcased virtual reality and digital twin technology at the 25th China Hi-Tech Fair澳大在高交會展出虛擬實境與數位孿生技術 English 中文 English The China International High-Tech Expo (CHITEC), also known as the China Hi-Tech Fair, is one of the most influential scientific and technological exhibitions [...]

World-leading mathematician Richard Schoen gives talk on singularities in geometry at UM

2023-11-08T10:18:04+08:00November 7th, 2023|

As part of the University Lecture Series, the University of Macau (UM) held a talk titled ‘Geometry Is a Singular Subject’ today (7 November). Richard Schoen, a world-leading mathematician and Excellence in Teaching Chair at the University of California [...]

April 2023

UMDF Professorial Fellow Gui Changfeng gives talk on fun and challenges of mathematics

2023-04-24T18:00:45+08:00April 24th, 2023|

The University of Macau (UM) today (21 April) held a University of Macau Development Foundation Professorial Fellowship Lecture titled ‘Mathematics and Its Applications: Fun and Challenges’. Gui Changfeng, University of Macau Development Foundation Professional Fellow of Mathematics, and chair [...]

March 2023

December 2022

UM holds the first Mathematics Day in Greater Bay Area

2023-03-22T10:56:50+08:00December 2nd, 2022|

UM holds the first Mathematics Day in Greater Bay Area The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) hold a mathematics day in the Greater Bay Area today (2 December 2022) to promote the exchange and [...]

April 2022

UMDF named professor Cai Xiaochuan gives talk on math algorithms for predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

2022-04-25T15:48:49+08:00April 25th, 2022|

UMDF named professor Cai Xiaochuan gives talk on math algorithms for predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health The University of Macau (UM) today (22 April) held a University of Macau Development Foundation Named Professorship Lecture. Cai Xiaochuan, University of Macau [...]

June 2021

May 2021

Haibin Zhu received second price from the national PhD student forum in Statistics

2021-05-07T14:18:44+08:00May 7th, 2021|

Haibin Zhu received second price from the national PhD student forum in Statistic Haibin Zhu, a PhD student in Statistics from the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology, won the second prize at the Fourth [...]

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