PhD Student

Yujie Gong

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Elasticity problem, diffusion problem, high performance computation, numerical algebra

Wang Jing-Yuan

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Space-time algorithms, domain decomposition methods, parallel algorithms

Tianhao MA

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Cardiac modeling and high-performance computing

Zaiheng Cheng

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Parallel algorithms, Hemodynamic simulation

Zhou jie

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Fluid-Structure Interaction, high-performance computation

Chen Ziyan

Supervisor: Prof. Li Luo
Research Interest: Machine learning for partial differential equations, Numerical linear algebra, Parallel algorithms, and high-performance software for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations

Sin Hou Lam

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: machine learning, differential equations, numerical methods

Liu Haochen

Supervisor: Prof. Li Luo
Research Interest: parallel algorithms, domain decomposition methods, and fully-coupled two-phase model

Jinpeng Zhang

Supervisor: Prof. Li Luo
Research Interest: Modeling and simulation of interface problems and multiphase flow, Computational fluid dynamics, Phase-field model

Zhang Xiangdong

Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Chuan CAI
Research Interest: Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with slip and penetration boundary conditions