UM holds the first Mathematics Day in Greater Bay Area

The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) hold a mathematics day in the Greater Bay Area today (2 December 2022) to promote the exchange and discussion about frontier mathematics topics and their applications. The Mathematics Day was held online and offline. Nine well-known mathematicians from the Greater Bay Area were invited to share their research efforts. It attracts many professors, scholars and students from all over the Greater Bay Area, providing a platform for participants to exchange ideas on academic affairs and technological innovation.

According to Xiao-Chuan CAI, UM Development Foundation Chair Professor of Applied Mathematics, Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) of FST, Department head of the Department of Mathematics and Director of Centre for Applied Mathematics, the development of the Greater Bay Area is accorded the status of key strategic planning in the country’s development blueprint and it is important to further deepen cooperation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The purposes of this event are to leverage the composite advantages of the three places and facilitate in-depth integration within the region.

Experts and scholars conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as numerical partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra, image processing, big data analysis, and mathematical modeling. CAI hopes to make good use of this platform to enforce the role of applied mathematics in the economy and industry, talents cultivation, and the promotion of the development of Mathematics and technological innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


澳門大學科技學院今(12月2日)首辦粵港澳大灣區數學日,以促進交流合作共同探討數學前沿課題及其應用。數學日以線上和線下形式舉行, 9位來自大灣區的頂級數學家獲邀分享研究成果,共吸引多位來自大灣區各地的教授、學者及學生參與,為數學和科技創新提供重要交流合作平台。


多名頂級數學家在線上擔任主講嘉賓,包括北京師範大學 – 香港浸會大學聯合國際學院校長湯濤及理工科技學部副院長孫偉偉、香港城市大學副校長陳漢夫、香港中文大學(深圳)副校長羅智泉、南方科技大學講座教授Alexander KURGANOV、香港中文大學(深圳)校長講座教授王筱平、香港中文大學數學系系主任及講座教授鄒軍、中山大學數學學院教授姚正安及多名澳大科技學院的師生亦有參會。

蔡小川 Xiao-Chuan CAI

The event is hold on online and offline

9 mathematicians from the Greater Bay Area were invited to share