April 2023

Mathematics and Its Applications: Fun and Challenges

2023-04-14T15:32:34+08:00April 14th, 2023|

Invitation to the University of Macau Development Foundation Professorial Fellowship Lecture: “Mathematics and Its Applications: Fun and Challenges” by Prof. Changfeng GUI, UMDF Professorial Fellow of Mathematics, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics, FST, UM 誠邀出席 "澳門大學發展基金會傑出學人講座":由澳大發展基金會數學傑出學人教授、澳大科技學院數學系講座教授、系主任桂長峰教授主講 [...]

March 2023

FST hosts its first forum on Scientific and Biomedical Computing

2023-03-22T11:00:06+08:00March 22nd, 2023|

FST hosts its first forum on Scientific and Biomedical Computing Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau has successfully conducted its first forum on Science and Biomedical Computing on 21 March. Many experts from the [...]

December 2022

UM holds the first Mathematics Day in Greater Bay Area

2023-03-22T10:56:50+08:00December 2nd, 2022|

UM holds the first Mathematics Day in Greater Bay Area The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) hold a mathematics day in the Greater Bay Area today (2 December 2022) to promote the exchange and [...]

May 2022

April 2022

UMDF named professor Cai Xiaochuan gives talk on math algorithms for predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

2022-04-25T15:48:49+08:00April 25th, 2022|

UMDF named professor Cai Xiaochuan gives talk on math algorithms for predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health The University of Macau (UM) today (22 April) held a University of Macau Development Foundation Named Professorship Lecture. Cai Xiaochuan, University of Macau [...]

UMDF Named Professorship Lecture : Mathematical Algorithms and Clinical Tests for Predicting Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health

2022-04-14T10:21:55+08:00April 14th, 2022|

UMDF Named Professorship Lecture: Mathematical Algorithms and Clinical Tests for Predicting Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health 澳門大學發展基金會冠名教授講座: 預測心腦血管健康的數學算法與臨床驗證 2021年底,澳門大學發展基金會冠名教授講座系列於2021年底推出。在澳門大學發展基金(UMDF)的全力支持下,澳大設立了UMDF冠名教授席和UMDF教授席獎學金, 這是對各個學科傑出學者的重大榮譽。每場講座將由一位指定的教授作為主講人進行, 分享他們的學術經驗和成就,被提名的教授將能夠與社區,特別是學生們密切溝通。蔡小川教授作為我們的主講人, 將討論在超級計算機上對人體血液動力學進行數學建模的最新進展。 題目Topic: “預測心腦血管健康的數學算法與臨床驗證” Mathematical Algorithms and Clinical Tests for Predicting Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health 日期及時間Date & Time: 22 April [...]

June 2021

May 2021

Haibin Zhu received second price from the national PhD student forum in Statistics

2021-05-07T14:18:44+08:00May 7th, 2021|

Haibin Zhu received second price from the national PhD student forum in Statistic Haibin Zhu, a PhD student in Statistics from the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology, won the second prize at the Fourth [...]

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